After graduating from Colorado College, John Shors lived for several years in Kyoto, Japan, where he taught English. Later, he trekked across Asia on a shoestring budget, visiting ten countries and climbing the Himalayas. After returning to the United States, he became a newspaper reporter in his hometown, Des Moines, Iowa, winning several statewide awards in journalism. John then moved to Boulder, Colorado, and helped launch GroundFloor Media, now one of the state’s largest public relations firms. Mr. Shors has spent much of his life abroad, traveling in Asia, the South Pacific, Europe, Africa, and North America. Now a full-time novelist, he spends his days writing and going on family outings with his wife, Allison, and their two young children, Sophie and Jack. His first six novels, Beneath a Marble Sky (an international bestseller), Beside a Burning Sea, Dragon House, The Wishing Trees, Cross Currents, and Temple of a Thousand Faces have won multiple awards, and have been translated into twenty-six languages. A seventh, Unbound, about the Great Wall of China, was published in 2018. Sharing his love of travel, John also leads literary tours to the settings in his novels. To come |
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